Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cloudy Waters...

One great thing...sooo many bad.

I think it shows a lot about our country that we've elected a black president. It's impressive how far we've come so quickly. Just over 50 years ago, blacks were considered second class citizens in many parts of the country. As Americans, we've come a long way in short period of time...very impressive.

Political parties, the election process, and the election of Barack Obama should be alarming to all of us. Is anyone else disgusted with our country during this election process? It has exposed many cracks in our core values.

The two party system is a broken system. On the left hand, we have the Democratic Party. On the other left hand, we have the Republican Party. Both have abused the constitution on which this country was built. The Republican Party is a cheap imitation of the Democratic Party. We're talking about our elected representatives...people that are supposed to represent the people...a concept that seems, unfortunately laughable. Republicans got what they deserved in this election. We nominated the most liberal republican and he got caught up in the middle of independents and true republicans. Obama exposed McCain with a masterful campaign that really focused on running against Bush. This is a better time than ever for the Libertarians or some other party to make some noise. I don't think the Democratic or Republican Party represents Americans. It's time for more choice. I'm done with voting for the best of the worst. America is the land of the free. People need to realize freedoms are snatched from us everyday...and that it's not OK.

The media coverage during this election has been embarrassing. It's concerning that television organizations donated over $25 million (75% of all television organization contributions) to Obama's campaign. 79% positive coverage for Obama compared to 29% for McCain. How can we trust these people? How can we trust new organizations when the lean one way or the other? Isn't their job to report news in a fair and balanced way? Isn't a disinterested press considered to be an important aspect in the defense of our Democracy?

I believe the demographic that is most easily swayed by the skewed media coverage are the young voters, 18-29 years old. This showed in the exit polls- 66% for Obama and 32% for McCain. The rest of the voting public came out at about 50/50. News coverage for all candidates should be fair across the board. Question now is, what are these television organizations going to want in return for their $25 million?

For a country already heading in the wrong direction, the election of Barack Obama will further bury America. The $700 billion Sell Out the government has already illegally passed and will be followed up by a $300 billion "stimulus" (Sell Out) pushed by Obama and Pelosi. Obama will want to stay in the middle but it will be impossible. Democrats and others that donated to his campaign will come to collect. Obama will have to follow his party or be destroyed...he'll follow. There is no way Obama will be able to honor the promises he made (and constantly changed)during his campaign. Economists will tell him it's impossible to raise capital gains taxes. The stock market, after a good couple of weeks, will be hammered over the next couple of months because of the realization of things to come. Obama said he would delay rescinding Bush's tax cuts on wealthy Americans if there is a recession, suggesting such an increase would further hurt the economy. "I think we've got to take a look and see where the economy is," he told ABC News. "I mean, the economy is weak right now." Hasn't the economy been in a downward spiral for the last 2 years? He won't honor cutting taxes for people under $150,000 (like some "whackamole" at the carnival, I'm guessing this is the number now). He won't be able to cut taxes for 95% Americans (IMPOSSIBLE if he tried yet people still hang on this number) and he won't honor the great programs he's boasted about bloating planned spending by an additional $1 trillion on top of the mountain of debt we've already created.

A black person being elected proves opportunity…which brings us back to the tax issue. Obama is not where he is today because he or his family received tax credits or hand outs. He’s not where he is today because the government took money from someone else and gave it to him. The government is not supposed to take or give money…the government is there to help by assisting equal opportunity for each citizen.

One year ago, Obama was saying we would have a specific date for withdrawal from Iraq. Over the past 6 months he's completely backed off of it...because John McCain was right. Obama will not just "pull out" of Iraq like promised. He's smarter than that.

Our country has been taken from us. We need to focus on core principles- Limited government, less government intrusion, fiscal responsibility, energy independence, open market business and health care. Let's see what "change" brings us beyond the only sure thing it has always brought us...less freedoms. Anyone else nervous? Oh...and someone please tell Obama to stop saying Amerrrricaaa like a preacher.


Z-man said...

You're right in the fact that history was made with a black man becoming president. But it still shows that racism exists in the United States. This is proven by Obama getting 95% of the black vote. In my opinion it is just as bad to vote for someone because they are black as it is to not vote for someone because they are black. There were numerous African Americans who happily said that race was a major factor in why they voted for Obama. This is unbelievable! What if I said (and I'm white by the way) that I voted for Mcain mainly because he is white? I rest my case.

Oh yeah... and when it comes to the stock market, there is going to be more pain. Everyone on Wall Street is saying that there is no way Obama is dumb enough to do what he said (raising taxes on anyone making over 150k, raising capital gains tax, and tax on dividends). Wall Street has been saying that he was just saying this to get elected but there is no way he is dumb enough to take this economy down even further which is what his plan will do. Well, I think Wall Street has way too much faith in this guy to think he won't put his plan into action. The far left has spent way to much money on this guys campaign for him to not appease the left wing loons who want to destroy America. "Change" is doubt. If your 401k statement last quarter made you fall out of your chair just wait until your 1st quarter 2009 statement comes in when Obama puts his plan into action. Wow...I kind of got off on a tangent here. Maybe I should start my own blog.

Anonymous said...

Please note
BOTH Obama and McCain are members of CFR
BOTH voted for the Military commissions act
BOTH voted for the Wall St. Bail-out.

Need I say more?