“Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.” - Alexis de Tocqueville
The assumption that spending more tax-payer's money will make everything better is wrong as proven through history. Tax-payers work to make things better for themselves. The more money someone has, the more they spend. The more money businesses have, the more products and services they create...which also means more jobs.
What? Say that again. Oh...Obama is cutting taxes for 95% of Americans. I guess that means there will also be more jobs available since there are many without jobs, right? You're right. Obama raising taxes on businesses won't affect me...I'm not rich! Take money from the rich and give to the poor...build America from the bottom up!
If you were watching "The View" or MSNBC, this is exactly what you would hear. With this financial crisis, Americans are seeing their hard earned money and retirements go down the drain. We blame, as we should, heads of these financial institutions that we trusted our money to, just so they could go all in on red at the roulette tables. We all start saying "I'm not going to let myself be taken again, this time it's all about me." This is when the 95% cut in taxes sounds good...because it helps me. Fact is, for everyone making less than $200,000 (I think that's Obama's number today), neither presidential canidate's tax plans will have a dramatic impact on the economy. The difference is with who pays you and I, small and large businesses. The way a business expands is by spending money to develop and offer more products and services. You start taking away the money and you start taking away the products and services. Obama wants to raise taxes on businesses and we all know businesses don't pay those taxes...we do! While this will generate more business tax revenue, this will cripple our foundation, the working class. John McCain will cut the corporate tax rate from 45% to 35% to help generate more money for businesses to expand products, services, and create more jobs! When Ronald Reagan slashed taxes from 70% down to 28%, tax revenues to the government increased dramatically. Why? Simple economics. 16 million jobs were created because businesses had more money to expand products and services. The wealth would be spread by the open market...not by the government.
On the budget side. Obama would have to increase taxes for businesses. How else would he afford the $1 trillion in EXTRA spending? Under both canidate's budget plans, the deficit would increase from where it is today. It would increase substantially more under Obama. Obama will continue to have the government take over companies and expand the government. The "Sell Out" was a major move in the wrong direction for this country. I think it proves to all us that we don't need a politician deciding where OUR hard earned money will go.
This election shouldn't be about "Change," it should be about "WAKING UP." With the word "Change" being thrown around so much by the Obama-Biden ticket, American's have forgotten the truth in their words. Joe Biden has been right on so many accounts. He was right when he said Barack Obama was not fit to be President of the United States of America, while running against Hilary Clinton. He was right, when he told Americans if elected, the definition of "rich" would be whatever they wanted...the new benchmark for "rich" would be $150,000. He was right when he said Barack Obama will be tested by the world in his first 6 months of Presidency, there will be an international crisis. Joe Biden was right when he said he would be honored to run with John McCain in 2005. It's time to wake up!
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