Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obamics and Socialism, Part 1

I've asked many people who are voting for Obama, why? Answer, "I want change." What specifically would you like to change? "We can't have another 8 years like we've had." Ok, what was the main thing Obama's done that makes you want to vote for him...specifically? "He's not the same as Bush...and since McCain is so old, look who's following him...Palin!"

And so on and so on. Some people may call Obama a mystery man but I see it a lot clearer than that. When electing the President of the United States we look at the person...then the issues. The person needs to encompass what all great leaders encompass- Confidence, judgement, knowledge, and honesty. The blunder in McCain's campaign came when he hesitated to drive who Obama the person is home. You better believe who you associate yourself with is a reflection of who you are. You'll never see me hanging out with a racist or a terrorist(Judgement). You can keep the "I was 8 years old" argument. Please. If I came and blew up your house, would you be friends with me 20 years later...let's not mention the fact I'm not sorry about it at all. Would you hang out with a person like this??? Bill Ayers bombed the Pentagon, a police station, someones house, etc....but that was 30 years ago. Obama first lied (Honesty) when saying Bill Ayers was simply a neighbor. This is the same neighbor Obama had a "Meet the Candidate" party in his living room. The same neighbor Obama served as co-chair with on a board giving money to schools in Chicago...not normal schools...not for reading, writing, and arithmetic. This is the same radical Bill Ayers that dedicated a book to the man that assassinated Robert Kennedy. Hey, at least Bill has money! Reverend Wright, while less violent is just as radical as Bill Ayers. Reverend Wright is a racist that rallies blacks to fight against the whites. "No God bless America, God damn America!" "This is the KKKSA!" I could go one with the belligerent teachings of Wright. Obama has said Wright has been his life teacher and mentor while sitting in his pews for 20+ years. During those 20+ years Obama never heard Reverend Wright say these racist things (Honesty). If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, what is it? I'm not saying Obama is a terrorist or racist...what he does have in common are the radical ideologies of the people he associates himself with. Forget about the bells and whistles...look at the man. Look at his judgement.

Let's now do what the media has done and write all of that off...those are just his associates...that's not Obama. Everyone has radical ties as he does. Let's look at Obama's socialistic tendencies. Is Socialism too strong of a word? Let's look at the definition of Socialism-

"A theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole"

Many Barack Obama supporters laugh at the word without knowing the meaning. Control by the means of distribution. Obama's tax plan, by definition of Socialism, redistributes the wealth in this country. Take from one and give to another. "I will cut taxes for 95% of Americans." 40% of Americans don't pay taxes today...we call that fuzzy math. In truth, the bottom portion of the tax bracket will get a tax credit! This means they won't pay taxes but actually get a check from the government. Is that a cut in taxes or is that welfare Mr. Obama? That is redistributing the wealth which is the definition of Socialism! Is it the American way to take from the rich and give to the poor...or to make the poor richer? If someone doesn't own a car, should the government(you and me) pay for a car? Should EVERY American donate on their ability to give? I don't make $250,000 per year...and in no way have I ever felt entitled to someone else's money. Obama's tax plan, all straight from his and Biden's(who's Biden anyway?) mouth, started with the "rich" at $300,000. Then it went to $250,000...then to $200,000...then to $150,000. This tax policy is simply unamerican. This is beyond progressive taxes (another issue), this is welfare. Mark my words, if this man is elected we are all in trouble. Taxes will be raised on all of us. We won't get into his healthcare plan which is as Canadian(Socialist) as it comes.

Great quote from Ronald Reagan-

"One of the first rules of economics is if you tax something, you get less of it. High tax rates discourage work, risk-taking, initiative, and imagination. And they're really a tax on hope, optimism, and our faith in the future. And they penalize the very people that give the most -- the risk-takers, the entrepreneurs who create whole new businesses and industries, often out of no more than a dream and some hard work."

People forget, when Reagan took office in 1980, we had double digit unemployment, double digit inflation and interest rates were 21%. Reagan cut income taxes for all Americans and cut business taxes. Tax revenue to the government doubled! Obama is planning to raise business taxes since he somehow has to pay for the EXTRA $1 trillion of spending (cutting "middle class" taxes while spending this kind of money is not feasible). Do business's pay taxes? No sir Mr. Obama. The American consumers will pay for these taxes as they are passed down by the businesses. Reagan's point in lowering taxes on businesses was to give businesses more money in which they will expand services and products...meaning more jobs. Do high taxes make hard work less rewarding and increased leisure more attractive? Is the government here to feed, shelter, cuddle Americans?

Joe the Plumber, Tito the Builder, Shea the American don't want hand outs, we want hand ups. We have the right to the opportunity to succeed. Those who succeed rise to the top and those who don't fall to the bottom. Government is not the solution, government is the problem. We're not just talking about taxes and success...we're talking about liberty and freedoms. Look around at every item next to you, the government has their hand in all of it. I have faith the American people will be heard on November 4th and John McCain will be elected President.

To be continued...


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. The radical left found their front man years ago in this empty suit and now have all of the tools at their disposal to install him... they control the press, the Republicans have shown themselves as corrupt to libertarian ideals as the Dems, and an under-educated American populace wants handouts at every turn. The perfect storm for radical socialism and we will soon get what we deserve beyond the "deserving" we're getting now.

Five Gs said...

Right on -- so true. Melissa sent me your link; I'm her sister in Idaho.... Let's hope for "NO-Bama" next Tuesday. BTW your little baby girl is adorable! Melissa shares photos of her every now and then. :)

Ron in L.A. said...

You're right, but . . .

(Everyone's got a big "but")

How do you apply your definition of socialism to the recent Obama/Pelosi/Bush/McCain bailout package, in which it was decided that government has such magic powers it should go further in debt to enter the secondary paper market?

McCain didn't just vote for that package, he went to Washington to lobby for it and got Republican congressmen to change their minds and vote for it. In the initial House of Representatives vote it was supported by a majority of democrats, and opposed by a bigger majority of republicans.

I just can't get past the idea that McCain is going to be another big-government conservative like Bush. And how does your definition of socialism apply to Bush's big-government pushes like the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and No Child Left Behind, and Medicare Drug Benefits, and farm and ethynol subsidies, etc etc?

Shea said...

Ron from LA,

I couldn't agree more. You can blanket all of Washington with my definition of Socialism. Bush's "Conservative" Big Government is out of control and has continued to move us in the wrong direction.

Let's start by saying we're not in this financial crisis because of Bush. The government started screwing things up long before Bush was President. In 1977, President Jim Dandy Carter enacted the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) forcing banks to lend money to unqualified borrowers (bad credit, low income, etc.). An obvious socialist move, the government stepped in and forced banks to lend (first in a line of bad decision by the government). You could call it a form of "spreading the wealth."

We can't let the banks off the hook with this problem, but lets not forget the government help start it. Now it's our government, corrupt and big, that we're forced to trust to fix this.

The point of this blog was to point out the slipperiest slope of all. Our government has been heading in the wrong direction before Obama or McCain we mentioned for President. I honestly don't like either canidate because I believe the same will continue...which one is more likely to slow this trend? Obama, the free spender, will send this country into a tailspin we've never seen before. Ask economists...he can't and won't deliver on what he's promising.

We need a radical change in the opposite direction. Obama's "change" will change us for the worse.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see there are still a few people left in CA that aren't sheep. Shea, you hit the nail on the head. If Obama becomes president then we're going to be in a world of hurt. Then if the republicans lose enough seats to fillabuster, then Obama's right, "America is going to change."

Can you imagine a democratic senate, house, and president! OMG! And these aren't the democrates of the 80's, these people are nuts. They want to destroy America. And if Obama becomes president they will succeed.

Let me give you the translation of Barack Obama's campaign signs:

Obamics = "Change we Need"

English translation = "Down with America"