Monday, December 1, 2008

The "Sell Out"

"The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits. " - Thomas Jefferson

Come on everyone! Jump on the gravy train! Everyone in and belted snugly against their seats...we're on the hell. Bad decisions. Greed. Vulnerability. Don't call it a Bail it what it is…a Wipe Out.

A Sell Out.

The constitutionally authorized purpose of our government is to provide for the security of the people as we pursue happiness through individual liberty.. The government was constitutionally constructed with checks and balances to represent the people. It is now become increasingly difficult to ascertain who has control of this country since the government has become so disconnected from the constitution AND the people.

In a period of unusual turmoil “we the people” should step back and ask ourselves what the Constitution enumerates and what are the values incorporated in it’s construction? It is inarguable that it expresses the passionate cautions of our founding fathers to strictly limit the size, scope and interference of government in the peoples lives. The Constitution is a set of principles to govern the Government, not the people.

The government governs as if the Constitution wasn’t there. There’s no accountability. Politicians have free rain to fulfill personal aspirations to help further their own personal interests. There’s been a counter-revolution in this country. We’ve been taken over without a shot being fired. Let’s look at what our government spends our hard earned tax money on…and this is just the tip of the iceberg-

- The federal government spends $23 billion annually on special interest pork projects such as grants to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, or funds to combat teenage “goth” culture in Blue Springs, Missouri.

-The federal government cannot account for $24.5 billion spent in 2003.

- The Conservation Reserve program pays farmers $2 billion annually to not farm their land.

- Washington spends $60 billion annually on corporate welfare, versus $43 billion on homeland security.- Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) over payments cost $9 billion annually.

- So far, over $3.45 TRILLION for the "Sell Out".

Obviously these politicians are experts in banking, farming, goth, etc. Politicians are so disconnected with every aspect of America. We haven’t learned from history. The 13 colonies seceded from Great Britain for reasons like this.

If you can't balance your check book, are you fiscally responsible? In 2007, the Government spent $2,730 billion while tax revenue was only $2,568 billion. President-Elect Obama stated last week that we won’t worry about the deficit through these hard times. Spend money now and worry about the deficit later. Are we all just drones? The heck with the Constitution then! Why even have it?!

The credit crisis has exposed the government. Government’s involvement in the auto industry has helped sink the industry. Why did the Government put a cap on how many cars the over-seas automakers could send over? The Government wanted to guarantee market share for U.S. based automakers. Also, the Domestic Content Law make it so overseas companies had to use a certain amount of American parts in their cars if they sold here in the U.S. The Big 3 (U.S. automakers) are guaranteed market share no matter how poor their product is. Free market is about competition, which in turn drives advancement and innovation. Our country has excelled because of the free market.

The Big 3's average wage per worker is almost 150% more than overseas automakers and 300% more than the average American worker!

Chrysler’s average wage per worker is $76/hour, Toyota's average wage is $48/hour, and the average wage for any worker in the U.S. is $25/hour. Why do the Big 3 have to pay so much money to their employees compared to other companies? The UAW (United Auto Workers). The Big 3 made collective bargaining agreements in the 1930’s that gave auto workers gold plated benefits and higher wages. Toyota can produce 3 different products in one plant. Here in the U.S., each plant focuses on one product because the Union prevents workers from working on multiple products. Unions also make it so auto workers have some of the best pensions in the world. Where else can you make 90% (other than in Congress) over your income after you retire? Who pays for this? Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler do. Throw on government restrictions and fines, such as fuel efficiency (C.A.F.E.), and we handcuff a vital industry in our country rendering it completely inefficient.

The Big 3 have been hindered by the government and their own poor decisions. The Big 3 have fallen so far behind the rest of the market, they’re asking for $25 billion of tax payer money to help survive next year. The government bailed out Chrysler in 1979, what does that say to other automakers? Too big to fail? Are all industries in our country too big to fail? Our monetary system isn't too big to fail! Let these idiots fail!

I'm completely against "Sell Outs" of any kind but if it's going to happen here is an idea that would solve everything; Instead of giving my money to all these people who don’t deserve it so they can use it to make money for themselves, let's bail the people out. We've already handed over $3.45 trillion in precious tax money so let's use $1.8 trillion of the amount we'll steal from the American people to directly give it back to them. For 300 million Americans, give everyone $6,000. Only the people get the money. People that made stupid decisions don't get bailed out. Politicians that don’t know how to spend other peoples money, wouldn’t corrupt the system further. People would put the money in the bank and...presto! Banks now have more money to lend. People have more money to spend on goods and services and have more money to spend on stocks.

While I argue the government should be small and have little influence in our daily lives, others want the government to help and want the government to have control of this country. The Constitution was established to give control to the people. This country is staring history down so which side of the fence are you on?

“This is the backbone of our country: Americans helping themselves, and each other. Reaching out and finding solutions- solutions that governments and huge institutions can’t find.” – Ronald Reagan

Monday, November 10, 2008

Proposition 8

California's Proposition 8 has recently captured the attention of our Nation. The campaigns for and against Proposition 8 raised $35.8 million and $37.6 million, respectively. The Proposition passed narrowly November 4th, 52% to 48%. The title of the ballot language was "Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry." Whether you agree with it or not, I believe the decision for the change was handled correctly. I believe this should be a state decision, as opposed to federal, and that the people should vote on it. Though I believe the process was correct, I don't agree with the decision of the majority.

The political disagreement that touches on both religion and human rights, has only intensified since the proposition passed. Reasons for support vary from restoring the definition of marriage (between a man and woman), protecting children from being taught about same-sex marriage in schools, and the social issues that come along with same-sex couples raising kids. The other major reason lurking behind the bedroom door, is outright homophobia. I'm sure this plays out in many different ways in many peoples minds.

I find most religious people express the definition of marriage as being between a man and woman. So religion and past societal norms play into these positions. This definition may be fine for some but it is certainly not for others. To the religious issue, the constitution provides for the separation of church and state and the right of individuals to pursue happiness as long as they are not harming others. Relative to societal norms, from 1850 until it was overturned 1948, the law for marriage was defined as "all marriages of white persons with negroes or mulattoes [were] declared to be illegal and void". “Slavery" was a “societal norm” and I think we can all agree these laws were wrong and against what America stands for. There is nothing in the constitution that limits any group freedoms.

Most proponents of Prop 8 say this is not an attack on gay lifestyles, you can call it a "civil agreement" or anything but marriage. Legally, the definition of marriage provides more rights for the couple. For marriage, there are over 1,049 federal and state benefits compared to only 300 state level benefits for civil unions. These benefits range from tax relief to medical decisions to death benefits. Again, there's a difference in equality in the two definitions.

So here in the United States we revel in our acceptance of diversity and the integration of all of the different cultures in our great country yet seem to stumble here.

When I saw a commercial saying if you don't vote yes for Prop 8, our kids will be taught about same-sex marriage in schools, I thought to myself "Doesn't sound like something I want taught to my kids." Marriage should be taught in my house period. The California Education Code Section 51890 states-

(a) For the purposes of this chapter, "comprehensive health education programs" are defined as all educational programs offered in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, in the public school system, including in-class and out-of-class activities designed to ensure that:

(1) Pupils will receive instruction to aid them in making decisions in matters of personal, family, and community health, to include the following subjects:

(A) The use of health care services and products. (B) Mental and emotional health and development. (C) Drug use and misuse, including the misuse of tobacco and alcohol. (D) Family health and child development, including the legal and financial aspects and responsibilities of marriage and parenthood. (E) Oral health, vision, and hearing. (F) Nutrition, which may include related topics such as obesity and diabetes.

Frankly I have to wonder what the public school system is doing leaving it to thousands of teachers to decide how to explain “the responsibilities of marriage and parenthood” in the first place. I think every teacher can interpret this or any other article in their own way and this should be removed regardless of which side of the issue you’re on. This code does not state “same-sex marriage” will be taught in schools and Prop 8 has no mention of schools in the legislation.

I realize most of our culture centers around generalizations- who the bad drivers are, who the bad dancers are, who has larger feet, etc. There are actually facts to back up a lot of the generalizations but at the end of the day, they're still generalizations. You may think it's wrong for two men to raise a child because the chances of that child having a social disorder are higher. There are good parents and there are not so good parents regardless of their sexual orientation. I would venture to say most parents need to worry about how they're going to raise their kids better instead of someone else's. Basing laws on generalizations is a dangerous road we don't want to go down.

We should not be changing the constitution to take rights away from anyone. Though you may not agree with how someone chooses to live their lives, we're all Americans and we're all free. Leave religion and definitions out of the debate. Agree or disagree, marriage is a right for everyone.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cloudy Waters...

One great thing...sooo many bad.

I think it shows a lot about our country that we've elected a black president. It's impressive how far we've come so quickly. Just over 50 years ago, blacks were considered second class citizens in many parts of the country. As Americans, we've come a long way in short period of time...very impressive.

Political parties, the election process, and the election of Barack Obama should be alarming to all of us. Is anyone else disgusted with our country during this election process? It has exposed many cracks in our core values.

The two party system is a broken system. On the left hand, we have the Democratic Party. On the other left hand, we have the Republican Party. Both have abused the constitution on which this country was built. The Republican Party is a cheap imitation of the Democratic Party. We're talking about our elected representatives...people that are supposed to represent the people...a concept that seems, unfortunately laughable. Republicans got what they deserved in this election. We nominated the most liberal republican and he got caught up in the middle of independents and true republicans. Obama exposed McCain with a masterful campaign that really focused on running against Bush. This is a better time than ever for the Libertarians or some other party to make some noise. I don't think the Democratic or Republican Party represents Americans. It's time for more choice. I'm done with voting for the best of the worst. America is the land of the free. People need to realize freedoms are snatched from us everyday...and that it's not OK.

The media coverage during this election has been embarrassing. It's concerning that television organizations donated over $25 million (75% of all television organization contributions) to Obama's campaign. 79% positive coverage for Obama compared to 29% for McCain. How can we trust these people? How can we trust new organizations when the lean one way or the other? Isn't their job to report news in a fair and balanced way? Isn't a disinterested press considered to be an important aspect in the defense of our Democracy?

I believe the demographic that is most easily swayed by the skewed media coverage are the young voters, 18-29 years old. This showed in the exit polls- 66% for Obama and 32% for McCain. The rest of the voting public came out at about 50/50. News coverage for all candidates should be fair across the board. Question now is, what are these television organizations going to want in return for their $25 million?

For a country already heading in the wrong direction, the election of Barack Obama will further bury America. The $700 billion Sell Out the government has already illegally passed and will be followed up by a $300 billion "stimulus" (Sell Out) pushed by Obama and Pelosi. Obama will want to stay in the middle but it will be impossible. Democrats and others that donated to his campaign will come to collect. Obama will have to follow his party or be destroyed...he'll follow. There is no way Obama will be able to honor the promises he made (and constantly changed)during his campaign. Economists will tell him it's impossible to raise capital gains taxes. The stock market, after a good couple of weeks, will be hammered over the next couple of months because of the realization of things to come. Obama said he would delay rescinding Bush's tax cuts on wealthy Americans if there is a recession, suggesting such an increase would further hurt the economy. "I think we've got to take a look and see where the economy is," he told ABC News. "I mean, the economy is weak right now." Hasn't the economy been in a downward spiral for the last 2 years? He won't honor cutting taxes for people under $150,000 (like some "whackamole" at the carnival, I'm guessing this is the number now). He won't be able to cut taxes for 95% Americans (IMPOSSIBLE if he tried yet people still hang on this number) and he won't honor the great programs he's boasted about bloating planned spending by an additional $1 trillion on top of the mountain of debt we've already created.

A black person being elected proves opportunity…which brings us back to the tax issue. Obama is not where he is today because he or his family received tax credits or hand outs. He’s not where he is today because the government took money from someone else and gave it to him. The government is not supposed to take or give money…the government is there to help by assisting equal opportunity for each citizen.

One year ago, Obama was saying we would have a specific date for withdrawal from Iraq. Over the past 6 months he's completely backed off of it...because John McCain was right. Obama will not just "pull out" of Iraq like promised. He's smarter than that.

Our country has been taken from us. We need to focus on core principles- Limited government, less government intrusion, fiscal responsibility, energy independence, open market business and health care. Let's see what "change" brings us beyond the only sure thing it has always brought us...less freedoms. Anyone else nervous? Oh...and someone please tell Obama to stop saying Amerrrricaaa like a preacher.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Eve of the Election

The election has already been decided...we just don't know it. At this point, if you don't know who you're voting for, you've been hiding under a rock or have decided not to care over the past 2 years. Either way, we will go into next year not knowing what will happen. Most would say they want it to go back to the way it used to be. That can't happen. We expect Washington to be fiscally responsible, we need to be fiscally responsible!

This has been the longest election process in the history of the United States. If Obama wins, he can attest the win to 4 major factors (right or wrong)-

1. The Bush Administration
2. Money (raised and spent more than any presidential candidate in history)
3. The Financial Crisis
4. The Media

If McCain wins, he can attest the win to major factors(right or wrong)-

1. Experience
2. Foreign Policy
3. Choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate
4. Honesty and Integrity

The difference between the two is simple. Obama is at the right place at the right time and McCain is a steady Eddie. I would argue with anyone the 4 factors listed above for Obama are the reasons he would be President. In reality, none of them have to do with Barack Obama. I will give the guy credit, he has run a masterful campaign and has certainly out-campaigned John McCain. I'm surprised John McCain is still so close! Most Americans associate the financial collapse of this country to the Bush Administration and the Republican Party. Yet, the night before the election, most polls show John McCain within 5 points of Barack Obama. What's that saying? "If you have enough money, you can buy your way into Presidency." This is partly true. Barack Obama didn't register 150,000 new voters in Illinois because it was his home state and people just wanted to vote. His well funded army got out there and signed people up to vote. Having the media report 79% positive coverage for Obama compared to 29% positive coverage for McCain is certainly one sided. If you look at John McCain's 4 factors, they're all created by John McCain himself. I think John McCain would have this election easily won, if he would have run a better campaign. The major blows against McCain are the Bush Administration, the financial crisis, and his age. I think his age has been a plus and minus for him. He's amassed experience through years but some people think he won't last through the next 4 years. John McCain has been known as a straight shooter. With Obama, I would argue he's anything but a straight shooter. Give me an elected official that has voted "Present" 150 times (as opposed to yes or no on crucial legislation) and I'll tell you that person is not doing his or her job. As President, you can't vote "Present." Iran has nuclear weapons, what will you do President Obama? Vote "Present"? Sarah Palin has given the McCain campaign the jolt it needed. Conservatives have always questioned John McCain as a true conservative but his choice of Palin brought the conservative base back on board.

The media has successfully pushed the failure of the Bush Administration in favor of Obama. What if Obama was President in 2000? Would things have been different? Better? If you saw a country that funded terrorism, harbored terrorism, broke 13 international laws, known for a fact to have illegal missiles, and had weapons of mass destruction, what would you have done as President? If everything was presented to you as 100% accurate and you tried to work peaceful negotiations through the U.N., what would you have done as President? I don't believe going into Iraq was a failure of the Bush Administration. With the evidence presented, it would have been bad judgment not to go to war with Iraq. I believe after the initial invasion, the war was mismanaged. The surge, which has been amazingly successful, was opposed by Obama. Obama also said we should have a specific date of withdrawal, he's completely backed off of that.

The argument the war has sent us into recession is false. Defense spending is below its historical average as a percent of GDP. The argument that the Bush Administration is to blame for deregulation is false. This problem started 40 years ago and Washington (Democrats and Republicans) have contributed to worsening the problem. In my opinion, we would have been in this crisis earlier and much deeper if it weren't for the Bush tax cuts. The Bush tax cuts helped the economy over his first 7 years and since 9/11, but the proof was in the pudding...the perfect storm had been festering for 40 years.

Regardless of who wins tomorrow, we all need to wake up, stop hating each other, and come together. Starting Wednesday, I say we're all independents...we're all Americans.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Obamics and Socialism, Part 2

Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.” - Alexis de Tocqueville

The assumption that spending more tax-payer's money will make everything better is wrong as proven through history. Tax-payers work to make things better for themselves. The more money someone has, the more they spend. The more money businesses have, the more products and services they create...which also means more jobs.

What? Say that again. Oh...Obama is cutting taxes for 95% of Americans. I guess that means there will also be more jobs available since there are many without jobs, right? You're right. Obama raising taxes on businesses won't affect me...I'm not rich! Take money from the rich and give to the America from the bottom up!

If you were watching "The View" or MSNBC, this is exactly what you would hear. With this financial crisis, Americans are seeing their hard earned money and retirements go down the drain. We blame, as we should, heads of these financial institutions that we trusted our money to, just so they could go all in on red at the roulette tables. We all start saying "I'm not going to let myself be taken again, this time it's all about me." This is when the 95% cut in taxes sounds good...because it helps me. Fact is, for everyone making less than $200,000 (I think that's Obama's number today), neither presidential canidate's tax plans will have a dramatic impact on the economy. The difference is with who pays you and I, small and large businesses. The way a business expands is by spending money to develop and offer more products and services. You start taking away the money and you start taking away the products and services. Obama wants to raise taxes on businesses and we all know businesses don't pay those taxes...we do! While this will generate more business tax revenue, this will cripple our foundation, the working class. John McCain will cut the corporate tax rate from 45% to 35% to help generate more money for businesses to expand products, services, and create more jobs! When Ronald Reagan slashed taxes from 70% down to 28%, tax revenues to the government increased dramatically. Why? Simple economics. 16 million jobs were created because businesses had more money to expand products and services. The wealth would be spread by the open market...not by the government.

On the budget side. Obama would have to increase taxes for businesses. How else would he afford the $1 trillion in EXTRA spending? Under both canidate's budget plans, the deficit would increase from where it is today. It would increase substantially more under Obama. Obama will continue to have the government take over companies and expand the government. The "Sell Out" was a major move in the wrong direction for this country. I think it proves to all us that we don't need a politician deciding where OUR hard earned money will go.

This election shouldn't be about "Change," it should be about "WAKING UP." With the word "Change" being thrown around so much by the Obama-Biden ticket, American's have forgotten the truth in their words. Joe Biden has been right on so many accounts. He was right when he said Barack Obama was not fit to be President of the United States of America, while running against Hilary Clinton. He was right, when he told Americans if elected, the definition of "rich" would be whatever they wanted...the new benchmark for "rich" would be $150,000. He was right when he said Barack Obama will be tested by the world in his first 6 months of Presidency, there will be an international crisis. Joe Biden was right when he said he would be honored to run with John McCain in 2005. It's time to wake up!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obamics and Socialism, Part 1

I've asked many people who are voting for Obama, why? Answer, "I want change." What specifically would you like to change? "We can't have another 8 years like we've had." Ok, what was the main thing Obama's done that makes you want to vote for him...specifically? "He's not the same as Bush...and since McCain is so old, look who's following him...Palin!"

And so on and so on. Some people may call Obama a mystery man but I see it a lot clearer than that. When electing the President of the United States we look at the person...then the issues. The person needs to encompass what all great leaders encompass- Confidence, judgement, knowledge, and honesty. The blunder in McCain's campaign came when he hesitated to drive who Obama the person is home. You better believe who you associate yourself with is a reflection of who you are. You'll never see me hanging out with a racist or a terrorist(Judgement). You can keep the "I was 8 years old" argument. Please. If I came and blew up your house, would you be friends with me 20 years later...let's not mention the fact I'm not sorry about it at all. Would you hang out with a person like this??? Bill Ayers bombed the Pentagon, a police station, someones house, etc....but that was 30 years ago. Obama first lied (Honesty) when saying Bill Ayers was simply a neighbor. This is the same neighbor Obama had a "Meet the Candidate" party in his living room. The same neighbor Obama served as co-chair with on a board giving money to schools in Chicago...not normal schools...not for reading, writing, and arithmetic. This is the same radical Bill Ayers that dedicated a book to the man that assassinated Robert Kennedy. Hey, at least Bill has money! Reverend Wright, while less violent is just as radical as Bill Ayers. Reverend Wright is a racist that rallies blacks to fight against the whites. "No God bless America, God damn America!" "This is the KKKSA!" I could go one with the belligerent teachings of Wright. Obama has said Wright has been his life teacher and mentor while sitting in his pews for 20+ years. During those 20+ years Obama never heard Reverend Wright say these racist things (Honesty). If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, what is it? I'm not saying Obama is a terrorist or racist...what he does have in common are the radical ideologies of the people he associates himself with. Forget about the bells and whistles...look at the man. Look at his judgement.

Let's now do what the media has done and write all of that off...those are just his associates...that's not Obama. Everyone has radical ties as he does. Let's look at Obama's socialistic tendencies. Is Socialism too strong of a word? Let's look at the definition of Socialism-

"A theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole"

Many Barack Obama supporters laugh at the word without knowing the meaning. Control by the means of distribution. Obama's tax plan, by definition of Socialism, redistributes the wealth in this country. Take from one and give to another. "I will cut taxes for 95% of Americans." 40% of Americans don't pay taxes today...we call that fuzzy math. In truth, the bottom portion of the tax bracket will get a tax credit! This means they won't pay taxes but actually get a check from the government. Is that a cut in taxes or is that welfare Mr. Obama? That is redistributing the wealth which is the definition of Socialism! Is it the American way to take from the rich and give to the poor...or to make the poor richer? If someone doesn't own a car, should the government(you and me) pay for a car? Should EVERY American donate on their ability to give? I don't make $250,000 per year...and in no way have I ever felt entitled to someone else's money. Obama's tax plan, all straight from his and Biden's(who's Biden anyway?) mouth, started with the "rich" at $300,000. Then it went to $250,000...then to $200,000...then to $150,000. This tax policy is simply unamerican. This is beyond progressive taxes (another issue), this is welfare. Mark my words, if this man is elected we are all in trouble. Taxes will be raised on all of us. We won't get into his healthcare plan which is as Canadian(Socialist) as it comes.

Great quote from Ronald Reagan-

"One of the first rules of economics is if you tax something, you get less of it. High tax rates discourage work, risk-taking, initiative, and imagination. And they're really a tax on hope, optimism, and our faith in the future. And they penalize the very people that give the most -- the risk-takers, the entrepreneurs who create whole new businesses and industries, often out of no more than a dream and some hard work."

People forget, when Reagan took office in 1980, we had double digit unemployment, double digit inflation and interest rates were 21%. Reagan cut income taxes for all Americans and cut business taxes. Tax revenue to the government doubled! Obama is planning to raise business taxes since he somehow has to pay for the EXTRA $1 trillion of spending (cutting "middle class" taxes while spending this kind of money is not feasible). Do business's pay taxes? No sir Mr. Obama. The American consumers will pay for these taxes as they are passed down by the businesses. Reagan's point in lowering taxes on businesses was to give businesses more money in which they will expand services and products...meaning more jobs. Do high taxes make hard work less rewarding and increased leisure more attractive? Is the government here to feed, shelter, cuddle Americans?

Joe the Plumber, Tito the Builder, Shea the American don't want hand outs, we want hand ups. We have the right to the opportunity to succeed. Those who succeed rise to the top and those who don't fall to the bottom. Government is not the solution, government is the problem. We're not just talking about taxes and success...we're talking about liberty and freedoms. Look around at every item next to you, the government has their hand in all of it. I have faith the American people will be heard on November 4th and John McCain will be elected President.

To be continued...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Mo Money, Mo Problems

Today, tax payers spend more than $6,000 a year per student, more than any other country. Yet science, reading, and math test scores have fallen behind other countries. Are we not spending enough money???

Let's look at the great state of California, the growing sentiment is that we're not spending enough money. Last year we spent $11,541 per student, up from $11,163 per student in 2006. You can never put a price tag on a good education...right? Where is this money going? Since 2004 there has been a decrease in attendance for public schools due to a steady decline of birth rates in the 1990's. In 2004 we spent $50 billion on education and today we're set to spend $60 billion for this year. We've seen a decrease of 34,000 students yet have seen an increase of $10 billion in spending.

From 2004 to 2008 we've seen Pupil Teacher Ratio decrease from 21.8 students per teacher to 20.81. We've also seen drop outs go from 60,052 to an alarming 109,011 during this time period. Spending has gone up, number students have gone down, and number of teachers has gone up.

As Americans we need to get our hands dirty. Let's work teachers up or work them out. Teachers need incentives. It's the carrot we all look for in life. Where's a teacher's incentive to improve? Sure there are the few teachers out there that can be great at self motivating and find success through the improvement of our kids. Let's be real, this is the minority. Teachers are judged mainly on the number of degrees they own. What's a "qualified" teacher? Does more education mean better qualified to teach? I would argue no.

In sales, if you paid everyone the same amount, what would our results look like? Would we see people coming in early to work? Would you see people reading sales books to help with techniques to help sell more? I applaud all the teachers and sale-persons that would do this but again this is the minority. Would you rather get an A or a C in class? Would you work harder to earn the A? If not, you shouldn't be teaching anyway.

"Money"...there's that word again. It comes down to how we spend the money. Who makes the decision to spend money on education? The government. Government has no place in our schools. Why let corruption from our government agencies leak into our schools? The government's poor spending record is evident in our education system. Since 2004, the state of California has added almost 2,000 administrative jobs while adding close to 2,000 new teaching jobs. One administrator to every teacher added over the past 4 years? The government has already thrown money at the problem and it hasn't worked! We need to eliminate the jobs that aren't helping teachers teach and students learn. Pay teachers what they're worth. If Teacher A is a better teacher than Teacher B then Teacher A more! We would all like to think teachers are robots but the fact is they're like everyone else...human beings.