Come on everyone! Jump on the gravy train! Everyone in and belted snugly against their seats...we're on the hell. Bad decisions. Greed. Vulnerability. Don't call it a Bail it what it is…a Wipe Out.
A Sell Out.
The constitutionally authorized purpose of our government is to provide for the security of the people as we pursue happiness through individual liberty.. The government was constitutionally constructed with checks and balances to represent the people. It is now become increasingly difficult to ascertain who has control of this country since the government has become so disconnected from the constitution AND the people.
In a period of unusual turmoil “we the people” should step back and ask ourselves what the Constitution enumerates and what are the values incorporated in it’s construction? It is inarguable that it expresses the passionate cautions of our founding fathers to strictly limit the size, scope and interference of government in the peoples lives. The Constitution is a set of principles to govern the Government, not the people.
The government governs as if the Constitution wasn’t there. There’s no accountability. Politicians have free rain to fulfill personal aspirations to help further their own personal interests. There’s been a counter-revolution in this country. We’ve been taken over without a shot being fired. Let’s look at what our government spends our hard earned tax money on…and this is just the tip of the iceberg-
- The federal government spends $23 billion annually on special interest pork projects such as grants to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, or funds to combat teenage “goth” culture in Blue Springs, Missouri.
-The federal government cannot account for $24.5 billion spent in 2003.
- The Conservation Reserve program pays farmers $2 billion annually to not farm their land.
- Washington spends $60 billion annually on corporate welfare, versus $43 billion on homeland security.- Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) over payments cost $9 billion annually.
- So far, over $3.45 TRILLION for the "Sell Out".
Obviously these politicians are experts in banking, farming, goth, etc. Politicians are so disconnected with every aspect of America. We haven’t learned from history. The 13 colonies seceded from Great Britain for reasons like this.
If you can't balance your check book, are you fiscally responsible? In 2007, the Government spent $2,730 billion while tax revenue was only $2,568 billion. President-Elect Obama stated last week that we won’t worry about the deficit through these hard times. Spend money now and worry about the deficit later. Are we all just drones? The heck with the Constitution then! Why even have it?!
The credit crisis has exposed the government. Government’s involvement in the auto industry has helped sink the industry. Why did the Government put a cap on how many cars the over-seas automakers could send over? The Government wanted to guarantee market share for U.S. based automakers. Also, the Domestic Content Law make it so overseas companies had to use a certain amount of American parts in their cars if they sold here in the U.S. The Big 3 (U.S. automakers) are guaranteed market share no matter how poor their product is. Free market is about competition, which in turn drives advancement and innovation. Our country has excelled because of the free market.
The Big 3's average wage per worker is almost 150% more than overseas automakers and 300% more than the average American worker!

Chrysler’s average wage per worker is $76/hour, Toyota's average wage is $48/hour, and the average wage for any worker in the U.S. is $25/hour. Why do the Big 3 have to pay so much money to their employees compared to other companies? The UAW (United Auto Workers). The Big 3 made collective bargaining agreements in the 1930’s that gave auto workers gold plated benefits and higher wages. Toyota can produce 3 different products in one plant. Here in the U.S., each plant focuses on one product because the Union prevents workers from working on multiple products. Unions also make it so auto workers have some of the best pensions in the world. Where else can you make 90% (other than in Congress) over your income after you retire? Who pays for this? Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler do. Throw on government restrictions and fines, such as fuel efficiency (C.A.F.E.), and we handcuff a vital industry in our country rendering it completely inefficient.
The Big 3 have been hindered by the government and their own poor decisions. The Big 3 have fallen so far behind the rest of the market, they’re asking for $25 billion of tax payer money to help survive next year. The government bailed out Chrysler in 1979, what does that say to other automakers? Too big to fail? Are all industries in our country too big to fail? Our monetary system isn't too big to fail! Let these idiots fail!
I'm completely against "Sell Outs" of any kind but if it's going to happen here is an idea that would solve everything; Instead of giving my money to all these people who don’t deserve it so they can use it to make money for themselves, let's bail the people out. We've already handed over $3.45 trillion in precious tax money so let's use $1.8 trillion of the amount we'll steal from the American people to directly give it back to them. For 300 million Americans, give everyone $6,000. Only the people get the money. People that made stupid decisions don't get bailed out. Politicians that don’t know how to spend other peoples money, wouldn’t corrupt the system further. People would put the money in the bank and...presto! Banks now have more money to lend. People have more money to spend on goods and services and have more money to spend on stocks.
While I argue the government should be small and have little influence in our daily lives, others want the government to help and want the government to have control of this country. The Constitution was established to give control to the people. This country is staring history down so which side of the fence are you on?
“This is the backbone of our country: Americans helping themselves, and each other. Reaching out and finding solutions- solutions that governments and huge institutions can’t find.” – Ronald Reagan
Well said. But lets face it... the Big 3 will be bailed out, the UAW is in the back pockets of the democrats who now control the Senate, Congress, and the Presidency. This bail out will happen. There is no doubt in my mind that the Big 3 will be bankrupt in a matter of 2 years regardless. You can't pay a worker 100k per year to put a tire on a car, the business structure is flawed due to the Unions. The slogan should be "Destroy America, Work Union."
Just like the 13 colonies seceded this is what we must now do. The Southern States need to get together and secede. We need to get back on the gold standard so we have a strong currency, smaller government which constitutes letting companies fail that deserve to fail, Unions will be illegal because labar laws will be enforced, there will be no minimum wage, the market will determine the wage you get paid (as the way it should be), if your a lazy ass then you deserve to be homeless (natural selection will prevail), there will be a 10% flat sales tax, no other taxes, the market will determine interest rates, no fed, the treasury will only print as much money needed to keep up with the expanding population to be sure there is no inflation or deflation.
In 15 years we will be the dominate country being energy efficient, and having the best fiscal policy in the world...none. Once we get away from all the liberal nonsesne this country can get back on the right track. While the Liberal United States of America (current USA) will tear itself apart with its terrible fiscal policy, big government, and deteriorating morals.
Lets rally the troops! Lets SECEDE!!!!
I couldn't agree more. Our founding fathers recognized that our country's true greatness relies on true individual liberty. They took careful measures to try and prevent the socialist domino effect that results from the ugly combination of human nature and government hand outs (sell outs). Just as so many fortold...once you give it to one company, the rest will line up behind them. The justification that these companies are some how "too big to fail" turns my stomach. Without the ability to fail these companies cannot achieve the necessary levels of innovation and efficiency necessary to succeed in a global economy. They cannot achieve them because their motivation to do good profitable business has been replaced with the motivation to beg for tax payer's money. Normally a failing business will make the necessary changes to their business model to cut the fat and get smaller and more maneuverable because they have no other choice. Those times are long gone and that choice has taken a back seat.
To the point of getting smaller and more maneuverable:
It is amazing to me how most people automatically assume that a companie filing BK equals the company going out of business and all of their employees getting the boot. This assumption stems from the left, from the companies themselves, and of course the always in tune media. If the end result of BK was that everything just went away then why file for anything?? Why wouldn't they just shut down go home and start browsing the classifieds? They file BK because the process was set up to allow these companies to take the necessary steps to make the changes necessary to survive. Anyone who believes that the big 3 are failing soley because of the tough economic times is kidding themselves. As a result of government intervention and poor business decisions these companies have been getting beat out and out classed for years! People need to get over the name recognition and the fact that these companies have been around for so long. If you fail to make responsible profitable FAIL. The United States economy isn't like the elementary school kick ball team where everyone gets to play. You suck? You ride the pine!
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