The invisible hand of government has been replaced by the iron fist of control. The free market has been replaced by wealth distribution and socialist democracy in which the government dominates the economy because that is apparently what the American people want. Private sector priorities are now dictated by the government and now pay to private sector employees is controlled by the government.
Where do we draw the line? Where is the end of the line? What is the end-game in the now prevalent question in the greater public thinking that asks; what can the government do for me? Soon, your kids won’t be deciding where to school, instead they’ll be waiting for the government to tell them. When you have a President saying “there will be a time for profits and a time to make bonuses, now is not that time.” Can you believe this? I can’t believe the President of the United States of America would say such a thing. When the government acts it’s never greed, it’s compassion. When private enterprise act, it’s greed. Greed is good in private enterprise! Greed is what produces profit and jobs.
This country has a $53 trillion obligation in unfunded Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, the Shift program, etc. $53 trillion we’re passing to people that haven’t been born! This number is going up every year. If you nationalize every dime in this country it won’t pay for this…the economy today is $14 trillion! Did the private sector drive up this $53 trillion debt?
"So then you get the argument, 'well, this is not a stimulus bill, this is a spending bill.' What do you think a stimulus is? That's the whole point," Obama said.
When has this way of thinking ever worked for the government? Democrats are trying to capitalize on fearful Americans, made more fearful by our leaders. Obama said it would be a “catastrophe” for American’s if this stimulus plan doesn’t pass immediately. He also said the situation today is worse than the depression. Joe Biden compared this economic crisis to 9/11.
So they can jam through a $1 trillion stimulus package…that won’t stimulate a thing! Fearful American’s will do anything for a “better tomorrow” but have lost sight of the expense since it is difficult to realistically comprehend the amount of money that “billions” and “trillions” represents.
Currently on the table for Obama’s stimulus plan-
$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
$380 million in the Senate bill for the Women, Infants and Children program
$300 million for grants to combat violence against women
$2 billion for federal child-care block grants
$6 billion for university building projects
$15 billion for boosting Pell Grant college scholarships
$4 billion for job-training programs, including
$1.2 billion for “youths” up to the age of 24
$1 billion for community-development block grants
$4.2 billion for “neighborhood stabilization activities”
$650 million for digital-TV coupons;
$90 million to educate “vulnerable populations”
$15 billion for business-loss carry-backs
$145 billion for “Making Work Pay” tax credits
$83 billion for the earned income credit
$150 million for the Smithsonian
$34 million to renovate the Department of Commerce headquarters
$500 million for improvement projects for National Institutes of Health facilities
$44 million for repairs to Department of Agriculture headquarters
$350 million for Agriculture Department computers
$88 million to help move the Public Health Service into a new building
$448 million for constructing a new Homeland Security Department headquarters
$600 million to convert the federal auto fleet to hybrids
$450 million for NASA (carve-out for “climate-research missions”)
$600 million for NOAA (carve-out for “climate modeling”)
$1 billion for the Census Bureau
$89 billion for Medicaid
$30 billion for COBRA insurance extension
$36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits
$20 billion for food stamps
$4.5 billion for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
$850 million for Amtrak
$87 million for a polar ice breaking ship
$1.7 billion for the National Park System
$55 million for Historic Preservation Fund
$7.6 billion for “rural community advancement programs”
$150 million for agricultural-commodity purchases
$150 million for “producers of livestock, honeybees, and farm-raised fish”
For all you liberals out there, explain to me how this is a “stimulus package”. By spending $87 million for a polar ice breaking ship we’re creating jobs right? There’s a crew on the boat, there’s the captain. (What happened to global warming?) The examples above don’t scratch the surface. Billions of dollars will be given to states to dole out as they see fit. States like California, where the Jerkinator and his posse have made so many poor decisions that they have driven the state into budgetary black hole. States like South Dakota and Wisconsin will be paying for irresponsible choices made by states like California.
But hey, let’s redistribute wealth! How much is $1 trillion? Senator McConnel (R) said it right, “if you spent $1 million PER DAY since the day Jesus was born you wouldn’t have spent a trillion dollars!”
While we’re redistributing wealth and deciding salaries for pirvate sector employees- actors make way too much money, we should cap their pay too…uhhh…let’s say $120,000 (George Clooney will be limited to $80,000 since I can’t stand him). Sounds reasonable. Also, there are too many American’s that drive a nicer car than I do. Obviously not fair, so let’s put a cap on how much someone can spend for a car. $15,000 sound reasonable to you? A lot of employees for the federal government only have a 4 day work week, completely not fair, I’m doing it too! Don’t get me started with professional athletes or lawyers.
Where in the United States Constitution does it allow the President to be King? Where in the United States Constitution does it empower the government to bail out private enterprise?
What do the liberals think? Do agree with the increasing power of the government?
Call and tell your senator no to the stimulus bill- (202) 224-3121.
Where do we draw the line? Where is the end of the line? What is the end-game in the now prevalent question in the greater public thinking that asks; what can the government do for me? Soon, your kids won’t be deciding where to school, instead they’ll be waiting for the government to tell them. When you have a President saying “there will be a time for profits and a time to make bonuses, now is not that time.” Can you believe this? I can’t believe the President of the United States of America would say such a thing. When the government acts it’s never greed, it’s compassion. When private enterprise act, it’s greed. Greed is good in private enterprise! Greed is what produces profit and jobs.
This country has a $53 trillion obligation in unfunded Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, the Shift program, etc. $53 trillion we’re passing to people that haven’t been born! This number is going up every year. If you nationalize every dime in this country it won’t pay for this…the economy today is $14 trillion! Did the private sector drive up this $53 trillion debt?
"So then you get the argument, 'well, this is not a stimulus bill, this is a spending bill.' What do you think a stimulus is? That's the whole point," Obama said.
When has this way of thinking ever worked for the government? Democrats are trying to capitalize on fearful Americans, made more fearful by our leaders. Obama said it would be a “catastrophe” for American’s if this stimulus plan doesn’t pass immediately. He also said the situation today is worse than the depression. Joe Biden compared this economic crisis to 9/11.
So they can jam through a $1 trillion stimulus package…that won’t stimulate a thing! Fearful American’s will do anything for a “better tomorrow” but have lost sight of the expense since it is difficult to realistically comprehend the amount of money that “billions” and “trillions” represents.
Currently on the table for Obama’s stimulus plan-
$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
$380 million in the Senate bill for the Women, Infants and Children program
$300 million for grants to combat violence against women
$2 billion for federal child-care block grants
$6 billion for university building projects
$15 billion for boosting Pell Grant college scholarships
$4 billion for job-training programs, including
$1.2 billion for “youths” up to the age of 24
$1 billion for community-development block grants
$4.2 billion for “neighborhood stabilization activities”
$650 million for digital-TV coupons;
$90 million to educate “vulnerable populations”
$15 billion for business-loss carry-backs
$145 billion for “Making Work Pay” tax credits
$83 billion for the earned income credit
$150 million for the Smithsonian
$34 million to renovate the Department of Commerce headquarters
$500 million for improvement projects for National Institutes of Health facilities
$44 million for repairs to Department of Agriculture headquarters
$350 million for Agriculture Department computers
$88 million to help move the Public Health Service into a new building
$448 million for constructing a new Homeland Security Department headquarters
$600 million to convert the federal auto fleet to hybrids
$450 million for NASA (carve-out for “climate-research missions”)
$600 million for NOAA (carve-out for “climate modeling”)
$1 billion for the Census Bureau
$89 billion for Medicaid
$30 billion for COBRA insurance extension
$36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits
$20 billion for food stamps
$4.5 billion for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
$850 million for Amtrak
$87 million for a polar ice breaking ship
$1.7 billion for the National Park System
$55 million for Historic Preservation Fund
$7.6 billion for “rural community advancement programs”
$150 million for agricultural-commodity purchases
$150 million for “producers of livestock, honeybees, and farm-raised fish”
For all you liberals out there, explain to me how this is a “stimulus package”. By spending $87 million for a polar ice breaking ship we’re creating jobs right? There’s a crew on the boat, there’s the captain. (What happened to global warming?) The examples above don’t scratch the surface. Billions of dollars will be given to states to dole out as they see fit. States like California, where the Jerkinator and his posse have made so many poor decisions that they have driven the state into budgetary black hole. States like South Dakota and Wisconsin will be paying for irresponsible choices made by states like California.
But hey, let’s redistribute wealth! How much is $1 trillion? Senator McConnel (R) said it right, “if you spent $1 million PER DAY since the day Jesus was born you wouldn’t have spent a trillion dollars!”
While we’re redistributing wealth and deciding salaries for pirvate sector employees- actors make way too much money, we should cap their pay too…uhhh…let’s say $120,000 (George Clooney will be limited to $80,000 since I can’t stand him). Sounds reasonable. Also, there are too many American’s that drive a nicer car than I do. Obviously not fair, so let’s put a cap on how much someone can spend for a car. $15,000 sound reasonable to you? A lot of employees for the federal government only have a 4 day work week, completely not fair, I’m doing it too! Don’t get me started with professional athletes or lawyers.
Where in the United States Constitution does it allow the President to be King? Where in the United States Constitution does it empower the government to bail out private enterprise?
What do the liberals think? Do agree with the increasing power of the government?
Call and tell your senator no to the stimulus bill- (202) 224-3121.
As crazy as this sounds, I believe Obama becoming president worked out perfectly. If Mcain would have got elected, he still would have made government bigger (like Bush) yet the economy still would have gotten worse. Then 4 years from now the average citizen (people who watch Desperate Housewives and Nip Tuck) would be saying, "wow, now look where Capitalism has gotten us, we're even more screwed!"
Now that Obama is president, people understand that big government is coming to the rescue. Once the economy goes into a full blown depression with unemployment at 20% and inflation to the point where a loaf of bread costs $100, people will finally start to get it. Bush presided over the biggest increase in gov spending of any president. Under Bush the Securities and Exchange commision grew tremendously. Congress forced banks to make loans to lower income individuals, and we all know how that turned out. FREE MARKETS DID NOT CAUSE THIS CRISIS, GOVERNMENT DID!
So how do we solve the problems government created??? By spending 2 trillion dollars that we don't have, oh yeah, and government decides who gets the 2 trillion. Sounds like a plan.
No more than 2 years from now the credit rating of the United States will be downgraded, other nations will call back our debts, especially China, and we'll print the money to give them what we owe them. This will destroy the dollar, the dollar at this point will no longer be the reserve currency of the world. Prices here will soar, we will no longer be able to import anything due to the decline in the dollar! Our standard of living will drastically decrease. America will no longer be one of the super powers of the world.
But I believe at this point the people will be fed up with government, we will abolish the federal reserve, with no fed manipulating interest rates we will once again have a solid foundation to pursue true economic growth. This will get America back to the principles our founding fathers originally inteded. And will bring about the rise of a President that believes in the same principles as Ronald Reagan.
For now don't have much in cash, as it will be destroyed by inflation, put your cash in real assets like gold, silver, oil, agriculture, ect. And in the currency of countries that aren't in lock step with the US in destroying their currentcy. Australian dollar would be a good place to hide out.
How does it make sense for a country near financial bankruptcy to borrow another trillion??? This will compound the problem. Mark my words, this stimulus will make things a lot worse.
He's doing the same thing as Bush did, only more so. The only difference between Bush and Obama is cosmetic.
Bush increased the size of government on a borrow and spend plan justified by one 'emergency' after the other.
Obama is doing the same in warp speed, except its a different gang of cronies who are getting their back scratched. We've taken several giant steps toward European style socialism.
The Founding Fathers founded the bank of the US. It was Alexander Hamilton's dream to found the bank. It is most certainly the dream and intention to have a strong central gov't and to control the economy. George Washington's first act of President was to levy the tax on whiskey. Farmer's rose up against this and Washington sent his armies against them. He believed in a strong federal gov't, now do you think Reagan was a better president than Washington? Come on man!
First wanted to say thank you for the post!
The reason Alexander Hamilton started the First Bank of the United States was not to have the government control the economy. The United States had just declared independence and needed a foundation. There were over 50 different currencies used across the country with values of each currency being unknown. The bank was started to establish credit for the new country and establish American currency. The government also established the bank as a private company.
Our country is not strong because of our government. Our country is strong because of the people.
What do you think of the stimulus package?
The federal reserve was created in 1913. This was created specifically so the government could control the economy like a puppet. They only succeeded in creating the biggest bubble in financial history. If you think this is bad now, just wait and see what our economy looks like in 6-24 months.
The First Bank of the US was created because we needed a single currency in order to get off the barter system and the numerous currencies that were floating around in the US. They had no intention of using this bank to control the economy.
We have already spent over 2 trillion dollars taking toxic assets from banks, bailing out banks that made mistakes, bailing out GM, Ford, Chrysler, and now this 800 billion more for things that the democrats have wanted to pass for the last decade.
Now GM and Chrsyler just said they need another 16 billion. Where does it end!
Let these idiots go bankrupt! Sure it will cause pain, but this is what it will take to create a new economy with a solid foundation. This economy truly is a house of cards.
I love your blog!
PS...Z-Man, Bill Clinton is the one who made it easier for people to get loans. This all started happening in the 90s.
I got a secret for you, something you can carry for you for the rest of your life to educate you:
The GOV'T is the PEOPLE.
The gov't is for the people by the people, why are you trying to seperate them? They are them, we are us.
As for the rebuttle from my previous post. Is there a more commanding directive that a gov't can take for an economy than creating currency? That creates the playing field for all businesses to work out of.
And honestly I am torn on the stimulus package because I understand all differences of opinion. However what sticks with me is FDR's "new deal", because at the very least while economists will debate on its effectiveness all socialogists will agree that it gave US the hope to pull through the great depression, "Yes we CAN". After that time our lives started to get better. The people who pulled through were called the greatest generation. I don't know about you but after this shithole that we are in, it would sure be nice to be able to be called another great generation. Thank you and good night!
Thank you for trying to educate me. The fact is the government "REPRESENTS" the people. We need to use this term very loosely since the government has failed, in many aspects, to "represent" the people. There's unfortunately a huge seperation.
My point about the First Bank of the United States was it was started to create one currency, not have the government control the economy.
In regards to the "stimulus" plan- Where's the "hope" in Obama continually saying this is the worst economy since the Great Depression or if the government doesn't do anything the economic reprocussions would be "catastophic." This actually takes hope away. The scare tactics being used by Washington...are SCARY! This country is great because of the people, not Washington. Let the great people of this nation take control. Saying "only the government can" as Obama has continuously said, doesn't give hope to people. Give hope to people by trusting the people to pull us out of this mess.
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