Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Matter of Principle

An overwhelming majority of American’s are showing their support for our new President, Barack Obama. I am also in support of our new Commander in Chief as any American should be however the question is; what it is exactly that we are supporting?

I think it’s fair to say American’s would like to see this financial crisis end. It’s also fair to say that American’s would like to see an end to military conflicts around the world. Ultimately, American’s feel the need to come together as one people and with this President address our looming issues over the next 4 years so we can reach a positive economic environment and improve our situation in matters of foreign policy and our nations security. The country is fractured into so many constituent interest that people want to feel unified in a common direction.

The problem with the desire for unification in ideology is that the people with the power define the playing field and everyone else becomes fearful (a very real fear also experienced by the people in opposition to the Bush administration policies) of being branded as traitors to the cause or unpatriotic.

Now conservatives are not only fearful of this branding, but have to go against the emotional fervor whipped by the new Presidents rock star status. Conservatives who purport to support limited government, free market capitalism and keeping money in the hands of the people that earned it,now lack the courage to stand up for their principles.

Blindly supporting anyone, let alone the President with a Democratic Congress as his cane, is rife with historical land mines. I believe American’s support Obama blindly with the “hope” that our daily lives will “change”. This support will prove to be costly. In no way do I believe you or I should support many of our new Presidents policies. President Obama will take us further down the dark path away from our all important and seemingly forgotten American principles. We can’t forget how we’ve reached this point in our short history as a country. Our Founding Father’s said it right in the Constitution-

“WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, Insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and our Prosperity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Our country has been racing down this dark path since FDR pulled us blindly so far down the road years ago. We need to get back to the basics. The government needs to limit itself to our constitutional restrictions.. Do you believe in individual liberty or big government? Those are the principles we’re talking about here. I won’t give up my principles and neither should you.

Without stepping foot in the Oval Office, Obama has already pushed a new $1 trillion bail out package. Do you support the biggest rip off in American history? Obama said himself “Even with spending this money, the economy is likely to get worst and then better.” What happened to all the money we’ve been spending for the past year? The truth of the matter is if success is defined as nationalized health care, the biggest redistribution of wealth in our history, continued government ownership in private companies, the biggest government this world has ever seen, the ongoing stripping of personal liberties then I don’t want success. Obama and his thugs (see Rahm Emanuel) want to continue this massive push towards socialism. Obama won't raise taxes initially because Congress has given him a credit card with an unlimited line to charge up. Our kids and our children's kids will have to pay this credit card! Obama WILL raise taxes. If you destroy profit and wealth, you destroy jobs. Wait…Obama said he would create jobs…600,000 new government jobs!!!

All of this is harmful for our nation. We NEED to voice our concern. Obama’s message is clear, “Only the government can.” Stand up for your principles and this country’s principles. America will turn things around in spite of Obama. Liberty will prevail.


Living breathing document my ass said...

I couldn't agree more with this point. I think that it is far to easy when things get hard to be blinded by hope. Hope is a good and very necessary thing but it makes people very vulnerable. Hope isn't always the wish for the best but also frequently grows from a fear of the worse. When people are scared they are more willing to sacrifice certain values with the justification that it's worth it "if it's for the best". The problem with this train of thought is that it assumes that those making the decisions (politicians) will use their ever increasing power over our freedoms to do the right thing. These are people that have lists of alterior motives longer than OJ Simpson's rap sheet for every decision they make. Like Reagan said in his inauguration:
"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem. From time to time, we have been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. But if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?"

People need to stop looking to the government to make their decisions for spend their money for them. We need to hold true to the values that built this great nation and gave us the prosperity that we have so long enjoyed. Values centered in personal liberty and balanced power between the state and federal governments. I have the faith that everyone of us is capable of thriving in freedom as have those who came before us. If Obama does succeed in his agenda it will mean that he has succeeded in convincing the American people that the government is more capable than the people it governs.

Z-man said...

One thing I disagree with you (Shea) about is that it will not be our children who pay for "Blank Check Barrack's upcoming policies. It will be us. Let me explain... The way we are getting this money is because China is purchasing our treasuries (loaning us money). It won't take China very long to see that they are throwing good money after bad. We are going to be carrying a 2 trillion dollar budget deficit soon and you will see the dollar collapse. What does this mean??? This means the government will have to start printing money in order to pay back our budget deficits, this will destroy the dollar sending interest rates that will rival the late 70's (10-18% mortgage rates). This also means possible hyper inflation. I see this happening within the next 1-3 years. Our standard of living in the is going to drop massively. How much longer will the Chinese continue to loan us money to purchase new luxury cars we don't need (and can't afford) while the Chinese citizens who are saving money to loan us are riding bicycles??? There is going to be a massive rise in the standard of living of the Chinese at the expense of the US citizen.

Take all your 401k and savings out of the US dollar and invest in strong foriegn companies that have high yields (which are in the 10% range). Also invest in gold and gold mining stocks. We are screwed over here. Bush started us on this path and Obama turn us completley socialist starting with the Nationalization of Banks.

Good luck. Buy lots of ammo.